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All of Grace

All of Grace

An Earnest Word with those Seeking Salvation.

Using plain language and word pictures, Spurgeon shares an earnest word for
those who are seeking salvation.

From the book:
A Certain man placed a fountain by the wayside, and he hung up a cup near to " it by a little chain. He was told some time after that a great art-critic had
found much fault with its design. But," said he, "do many thirsty persons " drink at it? Then they told him that thousands of poor people, men, women, and " children, slaked their thirst at this fountain; and he smiled and said, that he
was little troubled by the critic's observation, only he hoped that on some
sultry summer's day the critic himself might fill the cup, and be refreshed,
and praise the name of the Lord. Here is my fountain, and here is my cup: find
fault if you please; but do drink of the water of life. I only care for this. I
had rather bless the soul of the poorest crossing- sweeper, or rag-gatherer,
than please a prince of the blood, and fail to convert him to God."

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All of Grace


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